铜树 The Root

镀铜干树根、电缆;2.5m*6m*5m;2022 Copper-plated dry roots 、cables; 2.5m*6m*5m; 2022


This work combines tree roots and cables, where the tree roots reach upward, and the wires sprawl on the ground like an intricate network of roots. It serves as a symbol of the real-life scenario where plant roots are intertwined with heavy metal elements. It draws a connection between the terrestrial world, constantly extracting minerals from underground, and the digital realm sustained by this extraction, creating a distant yet intricate interplay between the two. 

Copper, a vital metal in electronic components, plays a key role in conducting and connecting various parts through copper wires. The intricately distributed wires, placed through devices, exist much like a mycelium network, connecting vegetation with information ports. The copper elements enriched in the plant's roots, stems, and veins, akin to the wires, fill the plant's vessels with metal.


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